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Tag: composting

Food Scrap Pickup in Cambridge

The last few weeks I’ve been helping get the word out about the new food scrap pickup program in Cambridge. A pilot program with just 500 residents was done last year, and this year they’re expanding it to about 5,000 residents on the Monday trash pickup route. I’m so excited that this includes me! The […]

Random Tip: Compost at Cambridge Winter Farmers Market

Cambridge residents have always been able to drop off food scraps at the DPW or the Whole Foods on Prospect Street. Now we can also take them to the Cambridge Winter Farmers Market. The market is running Saturdays from 10:00 to 2:00 through April 30 at the Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender Street, and the […]

A Spinning Composter

A guest post by Sharon Tomasulo, from Library Hungry. I got a new composter for my birthday! The one I got for a good price from Medford is decent, but it’s hard to stir up. Also, it’s almost full, and I don’t know what to do with my new compost as I wait for the old […]

Planet Police Composting

Over at, I’ve posted an interview with the head of Planet Police, the company that collects Berklee’s food waste for compost. Leon Tarentino had a lot of interesting stuff to say, far more than I could use there, so here’s the rest of the interview. Enjoy! How did you start this company? It branched […]